Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 4th of July and welcome to the white trash extravaganza!

Happy Fourth to all of you! Hope your day was full of family, friends and fireworks! Ours was! We decided this year to do something we haven't done in a few years and went to the Evergreen Speedway for the annual 4th of July Demo Derby! This isn't your normal demo derby, they do the demo, the race cars with boats attached to them, they run races with three cars chained together and all kinds of other fun stuff! It was fantastic! Mom and Dad brought George and Karen and Marina and Mikayla joined us too! it was fantastic! lots of people watching (that's the unsnobby way of saying gawking at crazy white trash folks) and the fireworks at the end of the show were fantastic! What a great 4th of July.

Demo derby at its finest! Here's the boat racing! those hydros at seafair have NOTHING on these guys!
Keith and Mikayla doing the YMCA in the stands!
Bus races, seriously. they race buses and they crash them into each other too. good times. I especially liked the bus with the trailer attached to it called trailer trash. good good times.
awww. how cute is this.
I think the picture says it all. the confederate flag painted on top of the car and the stars and stripes AND the confederate flag flying on the car. good lord this guy is the whole red neck package.


Kara Bee said...

good clean (rednecked) fun! =0)
looks like you had a blast, Kim! I am so glad! Love seeing you so happy!
I got to spend the day/nite at home doing homework, and babysitting my paranoid schitzofranic dog! (she LOATHES fireworks!)
great times!

Kristina said...

AWE, this looks like fun :) As far as when you guys can vist... anytimeee!! I cant say when the huby will be home on the net, will give keith a call tomorrow :)love you guys :)

katrina said...

Hi Kim~ Beautiful picture of you, Keith and Mikayla. It looks like you had a great fourth!