Thursday, October 25, 2007

the dreaded ringers...

Here's some fairly blurry pictures of my PROBLEM. I've tried them a couple different ways and I think the one on the left is as good as it's going to get. it's miserable. I had this grand plan of what I thought they would be like and this is coming up short. My next trial will be on fishing line instead of the sheer ribbon? any thoughts?


The Spaids said...

I think they look great. What's the problem (other than quantity to be made?)

Monica Wilkinson said...

I love them! What exactly is the "problem" - I think they look great! :)

kimi said...

I really have to work to get them to hang right. I tried a couple things last night and I think the solution is to add a jack ring to the snowflake so it dangles a little better. I'm gping to try a couple things tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

Monica Wilkinson said...

Is the problem that the paper gets in the way? If so, could you knot it on either side to hold the paper in place and keep the bells at the other end when it is held?

kimi said...

no it's the stupid bells, the hole is so small that they're REALLY snug on the ribbon and don't move at all (same problem with the snowflake but I think I can fix that with the jump ring)

The Daileys said...

Well, I think you did a great job and they are georfeous, but the bride is always right! ;)