Monday, October 22, 2007


Oh am I in deep deep trouble. I'm admitting something here that I have only admitted to my baker to this point. Well and I think my mom saw a spreadsheet and gasped.

In getting the invitations out (the last should be going out today) I totalled everything up on my address spreadsheet to realize that we have 216 invited to the wedding (kids included) and 367 invited to the reception. Here's the problem. Our reception room has a maximum capacity of 400, and we have room for 200 max in the wedding room. I think I'm ok for space (just barely) but we're discussing updating the cupcake numbers, who knew this was so hard to come up with that number! Here's the dilema.

Let's say we have 325 at the reception. ok, if we have 325 cupcakes that one per person, you may have some not take them, you may have some want more, we don't know for sure how many are coming? good times. anyone want to help me guess on this one? I'd rather have more cupcakes than not enough but at almost 2$ per cupcake let's be smart about this. it adds up FAST!

but they're going to be delicious and gorgeous! ;) I'm getting excited!


The Spaids said...

That will be a lot of stinkin' cupcakes!!!

Monica Wilkinson said...

If you plan on all who RSVP - one per person sounds like it should come out right. If some don't have one and some have two it would even out wouldn't it?!