Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm choosing to call it an adventure...

So last night I went up to the Metro Bus tunnel to take the bus up to meet my parents and Keith for dinner in Ballard at our favorite Chinese restaurant (Louies). I had pulled up the trip planner online and entered the address, figured out what bus to take, waited and waited for said bus, got on the over crowded crammed bus, and off we went. I started wondering how the bus going to the U district was going to get me to Ballard but I went with it for a while just wondering. I then came to my senses and realized HEY STUPID! there's two 15th Ave in Seattle, one NE and one NW. I had picked the wrong one.

I'll say, at least I'm comfortable with the U district. ;) I got off right by the U bookstore and called my fellow diners to BEG them to come pick me up. Two of my diners will be happy at Christmas when they see what happened while I was forced to wait at the University of Washington bookstore (I BOUGHT NOTHING FOR MYSELF, what a terrific sacrifice!) and my diners actually picked me up at the door so it really wasn't too much of a problem. Thank goodness!

So at dinner we enjoyed all of my favorites! homemade egg rolls, not the crummy frozen garbage most places serve you, almond sub gum chow mein, all of my favorites. THEN out come the fortune cookies.

Look what Keith's fortune said. could you die.