Monday, December 03, 2007

I'm so ready!

My condo tells the story (so does my parents house and part of my storage unit) I'm ready for a really really big party. My dress is in the hallway along with all that goes with it (shoes, etc) my dining room is full of decorations, silver glittered cones, silver glittered snowflake ornaments, door hanger, lights, etc. etc. it looks like my wedding threw up on my condo. Yep, it barfed real good. Just like my cat.

Bob the cat has been the one who acts weird when my stress level goes up. I swear it sounds nutty but HE KNOWS! he's not sleeping either (oh yeah, did I mention I'm not sleeping so great?) he's doing a weird howly thing at night and he's shedding like crazy and, he threw up 3 times in one night. All in all, the cat is whack and so am I.

While being perfectly ready, and ready to marry Keith, I am having this adrenaline, anticipation, nervous tummy. I'm so excited to see everyone and it's just so overwhelming!

Maybe we should have gone to vegas. ;)

NAH! we're going to have a blast! It just may take me a month to recover.


The Daileys said...

HA! I'm glad I was out of blog-reading commission for a few days because reading up on all that I missed is hilarious all at once!