Monday, December 24, 2007

Kim's favorite gifts

I would first off just like to apologize for my frumpiness. In my defence. I had no idea that Keith would take the camera from me. I'm normally missing from family adventures as I'm the camera person. So anyway.

Keith and Mikayla spoiled me rotten, I of course received some Oakley merch. Two new t shirts that I love!

Mikayla bought me this beautiful angel. that I can't get out of the box.

Keith scored the ultimate though. During our premarital counceling we decided we want to continue with growing and we decided our next work would be to read the Five Love languages. He gave me two books for christmas, one for me and one for him with a promise that we'd be starting in the new year. Totally wonderful present!

I also got a cool radio/cd player that goes under my cabinet in the kitchen. I can't wait to use that!


carrie said...

That is the best book for couples! You guys will love it.

There is one for kids too -- The Five Love Languages for Children. Let me know if you want it, I'll send it to ya!

Mama to 12, so far said...

I love that book...

And on the frumpiness, don't worry about's and wives are supposed to be frumpy looking on Christmas morn! I usually do...but I am not posting one...heeheee.
