Monday, May 19, 2008

Things you don't see everyday

I'm going to start a new weekly post of "Things you don't see everyday" because quite frankly, I see some crazy stuff. Downtown, during our weekend adventures and at my own home. So post number one of things you don't see everyday.

A full wedding party having their pictures taken in the plaza behind my office.

I headed out of the office on a Friday afternoon, turned the corner and hit the wedding party! What a fantastic place to have pictures done!

Oh and on a sad, wedding related note. Keith finally asked "ok, what's with the dress" because it's still hanging outside of my closet where I am able to view it every night before I drift off to sleep. I love that dang thing but it's officially time to put it away. sniff.


Mom Linda said...

Please have your wedding dress cleaned before you put it away

Angelina said...

you are so sentimental...unlike me who shoved my dress in its bag and it continues to hang in the closet awaiting my donation to the breast cancer wedding dress thing. :o)