Friday, June 20, 2008

Bunco theme of the month, trailer trash

I just have to say for starts that we did this for fun, not to offend anyone cause let me tell you. I shop at walmart and I live in a ghetto area so I have no room to talk right??

SOOOO last night at bunco our theme was trailer trash. funny right? well I took it to new extremes.

I googled white trash images and up came a great idea. That I promptly ripped off.

I'm pregnant, with a black eye. And my shirt says "drink til you want me" yes people I have class coming out of all kinds of places. I'm also wearing a mini skirt and flip flops. dirty flip flops.

Thank you Reine for doing my "make up" and Sara for letting me use your dirty flip flops and your ballet makeup. you guys are the best!

Lorenna, Amy and Barb in their robe, moo moo and trashy outfit respectively. I won't even show you the front view of Barb with her black bra showing out of her white tank. oh yes we are some classy babes.
The lobster jello mold that was found in an in-laws cook book, swear people. lemon jello and mayonaise in the same recipe. I think not.

Lorenna took out the curlers and it had actually curled her hair.

Oh and I actually won something at bunco for ONCE!

I'll post more pictures later. hope you laugh and aren't offended!


Real Life Sarah said...

Hilarious!!! I love Bunco, can I come to your next one?

The Daileys said...

Oh man! What a great idea! I'll bet you guys had a great time :) And, no, I am not offended. I always feel overdressed when I go to Walmart around here. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Oh that looks like so much fun! I LOVE your black eye Kim!!!LOL!