Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I sure owe you all a catch up!


I've been threatened with a beating if I don't post an update and "get with the blog" so here goes, and I promise I'll start up with updates again starting now.


We both worked a ton.


We both worked a ton. I'm clocking in about 50 hours each week and Keith always pushes too hard.

We celebrated Keith's birthday (next post I promise!), then Valentines where I worked and Keith closed, no date night for us. Then duelling piano's at the church on the 20th and candlelight dinner at Panda Express with the Muters and Jamesons. Oh and we started softball practice!


the beginning of March has just been fabulous! We've both gotten sick, we started co-ed softball, last week we were SNOWED out, and we worked.

sense a theme?

I'll be posting a few more photo/blogs to get us caught up!