Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Introducing the coolest webpage/person ever... Steve Spangler!

I have stumbled onto the coolest place in the world. All because Mikayla loved a science experiment on the Ellen show. This guy made exploding foam and it's all I heard about for a while. Well, in researching cool experiments for her party I found Steve Spangler. I'd like to introduce you to him...


his store


his really cool blog!

and what we've been watching non stop?


and his motto that I love!

Don't try this at home... Try it at a friend's home!


Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

Now all you have to do is sign up for his Experiment of the Week!

I LOVE discovering other people who adore Steve Spangler!!!!

Mom Linda said...

Too bad he's not related!

babies said...

It's a good blog... thanx for the links too...