Thursday, January 31, 2008

31.92 TOTAL

Sorry, no post yesterday. I was home hacking up a lung, sleeping, and hacking up the other lung. I am feeling MUCH better today, the antibiotic must be kicking in because I SLEPT LAST NIGHT! no biggie for you but HUGE for me!

Tuesday night I did my weekly grocery shopping and only spent 31.92 on our food for the week. I did so well that I bought myself a dozen beautiful pink with green edge roses for my bedside for the week. I think a reward was in order!

I made homemade mac and cheese, cooked up the HUGE broccoli pack I bought at costco last week and packaged it up in individual servings, we've got dinners and lunch set until tomorrow night. Tonight is our one eat out night as we're going to the Sonics game (more on that later)

I think I did pretty dang good!