Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the best 50$ I ever spent.

Well you can't see it completely but let me tell you...

I scored some serious deals on some serious meat last night.

What!! That doesn't excite you? Well it thrills me!

On my new quest to save money, be smarter about my homekeeping and feeding my family NON JUNK I hit the ads this week and was flabberghasted that safeway was having a KILLER meat sale!

I don't know if you can see it but I spent 50$ and saved $41!!! Ground beef for $1.65, rib eye steaks 50% off, pork chops 50% off and Mikayla's favorite bratwurst 2 for 5$ it was a good night.

I actually had to call my sister to brag. at least someone shares my excitement over cheaper than normal meat!


The Daileys said...

WOW!!! You go girl!