I'm just going to put it out there that I'm addicted to a certain neice of mine. In all the times I've seen her in the past she just didn't want much to do with me. She's not a quick one to warm up to people BUT this visit. she knew who I was, and she's TALKING! a ton! so here's the video that gets me to spoil her rotten, well two videos...
This one she says Hello Auntie Kim. When Keith came over Saturday morning she shouted UNCLE KEITH! I think he almost passed out. She's just so stinkin cute!
The next one you can't make out well but she said it a whole bunch of times and THEN I thought to get out my camera so I can't fault her for not being perfect with the word...
Auntie Kim is BEAUTIFUL!
AW!!!! that just melted my heart Kim!!! LOVE those nieces!!!!
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