Monday, November 17, 2008

The times they are a changin!!!

Our insane family life has hit the SUPER INSANE point. love it some moments, hate it others! I owe you all an update so here it goes...

Keith and I BOTH started new jobs in late October. The same week actually. which was an interesting experience that I don't suggest. We didn't time it that way, it just happened. He went to training for 10 days while I started my new position. Training brain has set in our household. the laundry needs catching up on but yknow, there's just some things that can wait sometimes!

Mikayla is doing great, she tested to be placed in an advanced class and passed but is waiting for a slot to open up, this will be a big change for her as well. We're thinking that after Holiday break something will open up but who knows!

We're jumping into the holiday season, trying to figure out what to do for Thanksgiving. (do we go with the family, do we do our own thing, do we go on strike about the whole thing and go to McDonalds) it's a challenge. My family is 3 hours away for their big day, Keith opens at 4:30 in the morning the next day, the weather is never predictable, etc.

I'm loving my church kiddos right now, Awana and Sunday school are in full swing, I have a few of the same girls both Wed & Sun and that has been so wonderful! Yesterday was the first day of selling Angel Breakfast tickets (much more on that later) and we sold over 100 tickets in between services. Insane.

Last weekend we took advantage of Keith having time off of work and escaped to Canada. We went up and stayed in Richmond and played in Vancouver. It was great after Keith being gone that long to just be the three of us! (next post on the amazing hotel we stayed in!)

I owe you some back posts and may try to do that as well! Kid/House sitting at the Russels, Pumpkin patch, Our last baseball games of the year, etc.

See ya soon!


Penguintoo said...

Feel free to come hang out with us. Seriously, come join us if you want. And about 25 members of my family. It is a bit crazy, but fun.