Thursday, December 04, 2008

Adopt a Family

One of my favorite Christmas memories is the year that my Grandparents decided that we as a BIG family were going to adopt a family in need and make their Christmas AMAZING! I was amazed that everyone pitched in and got in the spirits and I fondly remember being so happy, and I remember that the family was happy but I swear we were happier.

Which leads me to this year.

We are blessed as a family and my office gives us the opportunity to adopt a family. I jumped. I should have talked to my husband first but I jumped. I just felt like we should do this and when I went downstairs to pick the family there it was. a stocking that said " JOHNSON FAMILY OF 3"

Seriously. it was like God said, "hey Kim, this one, this one!"

Now the fun part. The family isn't asking for much. The Dad wants a jacket and some gloves (vague!) and the Mom wants pajamas and a robe and comfy boots (again, very very vague!) and the little 4 year old boy, he wants a spider man toy, big legos, and a big wheel.

I hate big wheels so forget it. ;)

But duplos and me go WAY back. I put my mom on the mission and she found some on craigslist, we're working that angle but...

I'm wondering if any of you have any bright ideas. Great places for good deals so we can stretch our budgeted money on the most wonderful things for this family.

Your help would be super appreciated. Oh and it has to be fast! I have to have everything wrapped and here by the 16th!


Angelina said...

hey Kim...for the man's jacket this could work. we just ordered a whole slew of them to take to the portland rescue mission because they were on such a great sale.

The Daileys said...

resale shops are amazing places to find toys. Most people just go there for clothing, but you might find some of that there too if you know the little boy's size. For pretty pj's and robes I love JC Penny... Mitch refreshed my pajama drawer one year for V-day and the price was great! I'm terrible with finding men's stuff so I can't help ya there, but I am looking forward to an update on this... what are the chances that you would have a family so perfectly suited to you guys??? 100% when God plans it :)

Barbara said...

I love Ross and Goodwill!!!! Please make them build many of them in Boston. You can get some amazing deals there plus Old Nvy has rediculously cheap gloves, sweaters, hats and stuff like that.

Cori Lewis said...

Kohl's and Penny's has some killer sales.
Also I am getting a ton of our christmas gifts there cause the prices are GREAT!

kimi said...

WOW! I promise I didn't pay Cori for the ad ;) I agree. Amazon has some killer prices. I got something for Mikayla (since she's snoopy I won't tell you what it is here...) that at the store was 29.99 and I got for 17 bucks on amzn. yeah!

kimi said...
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