Tuesday, June 19, 2007

home improvement (insert tim allen grunt here)

I'm attempting a few SMALL improvements (that are very big deals to me as I'm all new to this!) Keith jumped in to help thank goodness! When I first moved in, I quickly realized that my shower head was pathetic. I swear they spent 99cents on the dang thing. anyway, I quickly went out and purchased an awesome showerhead and stared at it for a couple days. ;) Keith jumped in and switched them out (my hero!) with no problems (Mikayla loved helping hold the tools for daddy!) Then a couple weeks ago I took my first trip to Homedepot to get some screws for Mikaylas bunk bed and while I was there I found this CUTE door knob for my bedroom door. again, I stared at it for a while. Then Shawn and Wendy came this weekend and I just got the bug. I got out a tray, put all the parts on it, all the tools I was going to need and the directions and headed in to change out the door knob. Keith quicky accessed that I was in over my head again (and again he was right!) after I called my dad and then Shawn about something that didn't merit a call ;) well anyway... we figured it out.

Here's Keith popping out the core, he was really mad that I had the camera out. can you tell?

Here's the cute doorknob! love it!

ALSO! Big deal day today! I mailed off my FIRST MORTGAGE CHECKS! WOHOO!


Anonymous said...

looks like your having fun girl!!