Friday, October 26, 2007

marriage license! totally fun!

Keith had the day off yesterday and we were slow at work so I decided spur of the moment to take a half day and meet him for lunch and then head up to the courthouse to get our marriage license. We got there, walked up to the line and proceeded to mess up the paperwork (both of us messed up bad enough to have to redo the paperwork) in our excitement!

We then ran it down to the church and put it in Bill's mailbox for him to keep. I have the nice pretty copy in hopes of getting someone special to do the calligraphy on it (hint hint Auntie Dewey, I'll be calling you today)

We also decided to ask our friends Kent and Bonnie to be our witnesses and sign the license during the ceremony, I asked this morning and they've accepted. We're so excited! We knew we wanted them to be part of the wedding, but couldn't figure out how? I think this is PERFECT!

yeah, probably the worst picture of us EVER! dang. HE DOES THIS FACE ON PURPOSE! just to bug me. get it out of your system now buddy!

the FORMAL copy


carrie said...


Congratulations to both of you!

Anonymous said...

Ya Kim & Keith!! your all ready now!! I cannot wait for you guys!!