Monday, October 29, 2007

My dad is ALL better!

So, it's official, I'm a ham and my dad is a good sport. A couple weeks ago Dad woke up and just plain couldn't see out of his right eye (blurry and lines), after a day in the ER and a referral and trip to a clinic here close to Swedish they diagnosed him with a tear in his retina (I think that's right?) anyway, after a couple weeks dad is back to driving the work truck and all is well.

This picture is the day of his surgery. I ran out and got him a cool blingy pirate patch as a joke and my dad actually put it on for the doctor, the office loved it, all the ladies were cracking up and the doctor actually posed for the photo! too funny. ARGH!


Anonymous said...

Aw!! your Dad is a GREAT sport!!

carrie said...

Glad your Dad is okay. Tell him he's a handsome pirate!