Monday, November 05, 2007

great expectations...

We're meeting with our Pastor tonight for another premarital counselling session, I don't mean to say ANOTHER like that, I actually have been enjoying them! So tonight our assignment is to come up with 25 expectations we have for our married life, it can be what we expect our spouse to do, what we expect we will do as a family (decisions and the like) etc.

I'll have to say this was an amazing exercise for me. I'll share a couple knowing that Keith won't read this before our meeting as we aren't supposed to talk to each other about it at all until tonight with Bill.

This one was something I've been thinking about alot lately:

I will talk to you before I volunteer for anything and I won't volunteer you for anything until we have spoken and agreed upon it. ;)

and a fun one...
I will make going to your games a priority! (he plays some serious softball from March-October)

Did anyone else do anything like this? did you know what you expected married life to be like?

Oh and on a funny note... We met with Reine (our photographer) and she was telling me in a story that she worked a wedding in which the bride and groom included their CAT in the vows, they made vows to their CAT! funny for us in that I have two kitties which Keith would be very happy to not deal with. you should have seen his face when Reine was telling him about the vows.


carrie said...

That is cute -- what you said about not volunteering him for anything without his knowledge!

It's getting close . . .

The Daileys said...

Great idea for the expetations... we had virtually no counseling. All the one pastor told us was "here, read this book and don't read chapter 16 until after you are married. It is on sex." Which chapter do you think we read first??????

Also, cat vows? I love our cat, but that is just a bit tweaked.