Wednesday, April 16, 2008

so I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by my baby sister and since she NEVER does this stuff I guess I will do it. THIS IS A REPEAT POSTING as I've done this before but it was SO long ago but forgive me if any of this is OLD news.

Here are the rules of the game…
1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog

2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I'm fine with rule 1 & 2 but I'm not tagging anyone. Well sorta. Hey if you wanna be tagged, consider this your tag. ;)

1) I'm a medical misfit. If you added the length in inches of all my scars (war wounds as I call them) you'd be at like 20 inches. seriously. Open heart surgery in the 5th grade, numerous battle scars from wars with the neighbor kids and my sister (yeah she looks so innocent now!) surgery on my back to remove a funky mole (and then a growth spurt so it streched) and now 3 adorable punches in my girls. (yep, they're scarring ERRRR!) So while this breast cancer scare really did indeed SCARE me, the medical procedure didn't much. needles? ha! I laugh at you!

2) I didn't make the cheer squad in high school. but when I went to college, I made the squad. I was the captain my second year. and yes that is the most bizarre thing ever. I was the only one on my college squad that hadn't cheered or had gymnastic training. And I had fun, so much fun it should be illegal (well some of it may have been but anyway....) I actually wish they had adult cheer just to have a fun work out. man was I in GOOD shape then! I've got spirit yes I do!

3) I have twin half sisters. Oh yeah, my weird stuff will outdo yours, I promise.
My mom became pregnant in college and gave up my very dark skinned sisters 5 years before I was a figment an anyones imagination. We found them when I was in high school and they are scarily WAY too much like my little sister and I. Messiness is genetic. I SWEAR! They both came to my baby sisters wedding and we went to one of their weddings. I actually see my sisters husband once a year but we don't see them much. One is in Cleaveland and one is in Texas (well today anyway)

4) I'm finally in the club of non nail biters. At the age of 32 I have finally stopped biting my dang nails. yes its a miracle. I just keep thinking of the pictures of my hands with the rings and it scares me (finally) into keeping my hands out of my mouth. I wonder what my new nervous habit will be? (update, I'm biting again, but this is challenging me to stop AGAIN!)

5) I've never been farther east than either Alberta Canada (Banff) or just outside of Vegas, my ex took me into Arizona just to say I had been there. Pathetic. I know. But I've been to Hawaii twice and ALL over the west coast! OK I LIED! I guess picking up a map of the US might be helpful, my farthest east would be Denver Colorado to see my sister Liz get married. Thanks Niki, guess I need to go back to US geography or something!

6) I had my natural hair color until 2 1/2 years ago. I'm now a person who colors my hair (well I surely don't do it but you get my drift) my first dye job gave me clown red streaks, granted I was going through alot right then and that was my "acting out" but seriously? it faded to a great color but those first few days. people must have thought I'd lost my mind.

7) My moms side of the family has ham for thanksgiving. only in recent years have we started having a turkey. and yes, we're weird. I've heard it was because my grandpa hated turkey, hey I don't care, I love ham so it's fine with me!

There you go. proof that I indeed am a big weirdo.


Greg, Niki and Addie said...

You've been to Colorado- for Liz's wedding. Silly.