Monday, January 28, 2008

We're all sick, sick, sick.

Saturday night Keith starting complaining about being sore and tired and I knew, I had passed on the worst cold ever. Friday night we kept him up all night (Mikayla has a cough too) coughing, he finally resorted to the couch but I think we probably still kept him up.

Sunday we attempted church, we lasted about a half hour before we collected her back from sunday school and retreated home to the sick den. I laid on the couch solid from 1pm-10pm I think I got up maybe 3 times. Keith slept most of the afternoon and then had to go in for a meeting around 7:00pm, he made it back about 9pm and laid there with me. Man are we a sight.

I'm at work today, still coughing up a lung and wishing my head would dry up.

I'm heading to the walk in clinic tonight I think. I give up, I need drugs.


~~Deby said...

amen..think you NEED something..
who is on her 2nd round of augmentin....