Friday, February 15, 2008

Girls night for Valentines Day!

Last night I hosted Marina and Mikayla for our girls night we had heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's

Isn't it CUTE!
We also watched hairspray but we all had so much going, we were all beat so I think the best part of the night was just chilling out.
I received one of my wedding bee valentines (the one with the hearts sewn on , way cute! I have two more to receive. The cute red mug with the rose in it is from Aundra, one of my church kids , the pink carnation is to Mikayla from Levi in her class. Boys are buying her flowers already??? and the other card is from Melissa (HI MEL!) the tulips are from my honey (as well as the hyacinths underneath) He's smart, he just gave me money to get my own flowers (I work in the market remember??, I got 20 tulips and 7 hyacinths for 20$ you try beating that on valentines day!)