Monday, July 07, 2008

Thursday - suprise mariner game!

Thursday afternoon I get this cryptic email from my friend Tracy, all it said was "call me I need you" well this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach occured but I picked up the phone and called her to make sure everything was ok.

Um yeah, fine. turns out her boss gave her 4 tickets in a suite for the Mariner game that night and would I like to go! Now I had a night of plans but when your friend calls and offers you seats in a suite, you go.

So I met up with her and her two co-workers (well one co-worker and one former co-worker) and off we went to the park!
Here's our view
Aren'te we adorable? Our husbands were busy playing a softball game and we were busy partaking in free food and beverage.
Here's her cute co-workers!
up to the suite!
the remnants of our feast! Hot dogs, nachos, pizza, ceasar salad, cookies, brownies and drinks! (no I didn't partake in ALL of that)

Tracy and I both couldn't believe how nice the bathrooms were. so what do we do? photo op in the bathroom.

Thanks Tracy, it was a fun night! Hope to do it again!