Friday, August 22, 2008

could she be cuter??

Sunday we headed out for our family camping trip and Mikayla ACTUALLY LET ME DO HER HAIR! I can count on one hand the amount of times she's let me touch her hair in the last 3 years, but this day, she said sure why not. HUH? So I made pig tail buns and told her about Princess Leia and she loved them. So I ask you people. How cute is this kid! Oh and bonus, the outfit is super cute right? shirt and skirt under 7 bucks. together. yeah baby. :) She is my human barbie doll!


Kristina said...

i miss her ALOT

Anonymous said...

She is just too cute!

Anonymous said...

even cuter in person! cant wait to hang out again soon! Call me when your up this way sometime girl!!