Friday, August 22, 2008

Front and Center

The aquasox love continues! Last night we had date night at the Aquasox. It was Edgar Martinez night and unlike the nuts that were standing in line from 4pm, we didn't meet him. That's ok. We had a great time in our FABULOUS seats (row 1, seats 1 & 2, right behind the batter). Both of us love sitting and watching ball so for us, this is the perfect night out.

We took our seats at the beginning of the game, Keith and I both loved seeing the game from that spot and about 2 innings in we looked to the right of us and there was Brad. Yep our pastor who was skipping out on softball just like we were ;) We had a fun little chat about the guys injuries (we must be getting old) and the game. Gotta love it.

I attempted to do my standard self portrait and Keith decided it was prime time to ham it up, hope you enjoy his humor as much as I do. This is what happens when you turn the camera on my husband. Yes, in public.