Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Did I mention my kids a genius?

Mikayla is a genius. and not just to us ;)

Mikayla was 3 chosen out of the entire 2nd grade at her school (2 classes) to attend the annual Young Authors conference at Skagit Valley Community College. She'll be learning about writing poetry about nature (right up her alley)

She was chosen after writing a short story, when she gets it back I'll post it.

This weekend we both will be going to Jr. Retreat (Berachah Adventure) it will be Mikayla's first time at camp, I'm a little nervous, one about me being there with my 4th graders and NOT smothering dear Mikyala and two, Mikayla's first time getting ready after swimming.

pray for me, I dont' want to smother her! I want her to have fun like my girls do!