Thursday, March 19, 2009

thinking of Niki...

I’ve been thinking about my poor pregnant sister a lot this week, she should stop reading now because what I’ve been thinking about is what food things will probably put me over the edge when I’m pregnant (hey it COULD happen someday) and this is what I’ve come up with. Remember I love food but I am quirky… here goes.

1. My least favorite now that I’ll probably still hate then? Sweet and sour sauce mixin it up with the rest of my delicious chinese food. I hate when sauce corrupts the rest of the goodness.
2. Eggs with Ketchup. Now don’t get me wrong I like eggs and I like ketchup but the smell, thought and lord knows the taste puts me over the edge now. I can only imagine.
3. Fishy seafood. Yes I know I grew up in Seattle, yes I know I’m supposed to love seafood, I just don’t really. Especially fishy smelling or tasting seafood.
4. The smell of syrup in the morning. I’m not a sweet in the morning kinda person and someone here at work orders pancakes EVERY morning and the syrup smell is enough to make me want to jump out the window. And I’m not pregnant. So what gives?
5. Milk. I already hate it. The smell when you open the dairy case at the grocery store EEEEWWW!

Okay folks, what put you over the edge either now or when you were pregnant. Do tell…


Anonymous said...

I'm so shocked you're blogging that I can't think of anything else!

Greg, Niki and Addie said...

I LIKE sweet and sour mixing with all my chinese food, and I really like putting ketchup on my eggs! But I do agree with you about fishy seafood. Yuck. And when I am sick from pregnancy I basically don't like anything food at all. Especially not meat.

Tracy M said...

The shorter list would be what could I eat! I couldn't even drink Snapple! Oh the horrors.

The Daileys said...

Anything cherry scented or tasting would casue immediate hurling. While early preggo with #1 we recieved a 3 wick cherry candle as a thank you for dog sitting. I left it burning while I napped one day (Mitch was home so I was safe) and the smell upon waking sent me straight to the porcelein god. My oldest is 9 now and the aversion remains.