Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I had THE MOST LOVELY Saturday morning I've had in some time. I went to my weightwatchers meeting and continued my downward spiral to down the hill to not chubby anymore land ;) then I went home and called Cori and we hit the road!

First trip. Manna Mills. She was looking for gluten free food, no problem there and I was on the hunt for a few things to supplement my snackiness and breakfasts and found them! rice crips (look like a skinny rice cake) that I can eat tuna on (1pt people!) and almond breeze (almond milk) a great milk substitute for those of us who really shouldn't push it with dairy. Fantastic trip. reminded me of trips there as a kid when it was the Natural Foods warehouse. My Mom used to drag us kicking and screaming in that place. oh but now. I get it...

Then we headed out to Snohomish to Blueberry Blossom farm. A blueberry farm that a good friend had told us about. 1. 25 a lb for u pick blueberries.

aren't they beautiful!

We then headed to Stocker farms in Snohomish in the hunt for raspberries but alas, due to the rain that morning no one was picking. The fruit is just too delicate for that. But we did find some corn, green beans and snap peas. good score there!

We then headed back towards home and stopped at Trader Joes. I got a great Carne Asada roast (which we ate for one dinner and topped a homemade pizza with last night! YUM!)

much needed girl time!