Friday, September 26, 2008

Jane IS the cutest. There's even been a vote.

Our very dear friend has the most adorable granddaughter I think I've ever seen. While at softball he mentioned that his daughter had signed her up for this thing in Mukilteo called cutie pie of Mukilteo sponsored by a local photographer. We knew they'd be in the parade and the announcement on who was the winner would happen afterward down at the festival.

Here's Jane in the parade with her Mommy and Grandma (she's the youngest hottest Grandma I think I've ever seen...) We had so much fun cheering for them when they came past! Jane was smiling the whole dang way!
Here's Jane at lunch right before the big announcement. Don't you agree that she's pretty stinkin cute!
So we waited and waited through a delay in the show and then the photographer got up and without any lead up or dialogue announced that Jane was the winner! She'll be in a ton of print media for next years contest and they received a HUGE amount of photography for her for the year. Congrats Jane! We love you!