Friday, September 26, 2008

Mukilteo Lighthouse festival!

We met up with the Lewis's for the lighthouse festival, starting with the parade just a few blocks from their house. I highly suggest this parade, it's the most kid friendly parade I've been to yet! lots of candy, lots of home town, just great!

The biggest float of the day, the Tulalip, who pays my mortgage indirectly! ;)
Mikayla sitting right before the parade started. Once it started the kids were down on the sidewalk collecting as much junk as they could!
Josiah being hugged by his uncle Matt who was, yes people, pizza. Good times. After the parade we headed down into Mukilteo for the festival. The festival was fantastic! not as many food options as we would have liked but plenty of pizza for the kiddos! I had salmon dinner which was great! And yes the picture shows that I'm imposing my political beliefs on my kid. she has no idea what that all is about, she was just excited for a sticker! You can't see clearly but Josiah's shirt says ladies man, he got comments from EVERYONE about it. gotta love it.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Bloggersville! I had to forward this post to Willie. He'll love seeing Matt as a slice of pizza!! Glad to see you back online!